Hi, I’m Carola Moon!


Busting ‘wonky’ thoughts since 2007

I help ambitious and capable women succeed in those situations, where their brains are telling them they don’t have what it takes to cope.

Back in 2007, I worked a corporate job in the telecoms industry. At first, I loved the great opportunities I was given. But then, those opportunities kept coming faster than I felt ready for. Increasingly, it left me feeling utterly out of my depth. (Hello “Imposter Syndrome”!)

Even after much overthinking, I kept spinning, and I still didn’t know how to cope — so I left! 

At that time, leaving felt like the best thing I could do.

That same year, I attended a life coaching weekend that completely changed my outlook on life and what I thought was possible.

The biggest shift I experienced was seeing my dream of becoming a life coach as an achievable possibility. After all, I’d already laid the foundations for it with my master's degree in sociology and psychology.

It became crystal clear to me that the only real obstacles in my way were the wonky thoughts in my head.

So I studied for 12 months, racked up 232 training hours, delivered over 233 coaching hours, and completed a written and oral exam to become a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), awarded by the Coaches Training Institute.

The following years were a whirlwind as I set up my business, moved to Vienna, Austria, started our family, married, and relocated back to the UK.

And the challenges kept coming. 

Life gave me plenty of opportunities to practice what I coach: to allow all the emotions (especially the ‘negative’ ones), bust the wonky thoughts, learn from the experiences, and take one step in front of the other towards the life results I wanted. 

Now I help capable women create life-changing shifts

My dream is for women to ditch the overthinking and self-doubt that hold them back. Instead, I help them create the impactful lives they crave.

Witnessing the joy in my client's eyes when they notice their blind spots and realise their limiting beliefs is truly magical. Suddenly, they see that they can choose empowering thoughts that have the power to unlock a brighter future.

’Life Shifts’ is my proven signature coaching programme to create lasting results. Each week, you'll offload, learn, celebrate, and re-energise, ready for the next week. It's designed to work flexibly on your terms, where you can tackle one big challenge or any of the challenges life throws your way.

The beauty of ‘Life Shifts’? It can be used on any life topic: Marriage challenges? Parenting teens? Feeling overworked with no time for yourself? Overthinking every business decision? Procrastinating? I’ve got you covered! If I haven’t mentioned your specific challenge, try me; I bet it works for that too!

Carola’s coaching sessions have created a safe space for me to ‘download’ (warts and all), reflect (many ‘aha’ moments) and emerge (session by session) as a better version of myself.
— Fiona A, UK

Other things that didn’t fit into the story but you might want to know about me…

  • I hail from Kassel in Germany, which is at Germany’s central motorway junction, connecting north to south and east to west. Top Tip: Visit Kassel when Documenta is on: it’s an impressive contemporary art event turning Kassel into a vibrant place-to-be (next in 2027!). 

  • The only magazine I ever got hooked on was Psychologies Magazine. (Cheeky request: I’d love to be connected with a contact at Psychologies; being featured in Psychologies is on my bucket list!)

  • Oh, and that aforementioned telecoms job? With the beauty of hindsight, I can see so clearly that there never was that perceived ‘glass ceiling’ I so tangibly experienced. I now know that with the right support and an unwonky-fied mindset, I would’ve thrived! 

Women's Clarity Coach Carola Moon @TheCarolaMoon
In Carola’s sessions, I feel like I’m in Professor Dumbledore’s office, using his Pensieve. It’s remarkable how she can take my thoughts into her Pensieve, and return them to me organised and well-thought-out. This helps me notice when I’ve fallen back into old behavioural and thought patterns, so I can easily adjust.
— Esther W, Germany

Official Bio

Carola Moon is on a mission to help ambitious and capable women succeed in those life situations, where their brain is telling them that they haven't got what it takes to cope. Carola is the women's clarity coach to bust her client's wonky thoughts for what they are and help them create the impactful lives they crave. She believes it’s indeed possible to have your cake and eat it! She has a master's degree (MA) in sociology and psychology and is a certified Co-Active Coach (CPCC) located in South Oxfordshire, UK, and works with her clients worldwide. Find out more about Carola at TheCarolaMoon.com.