Frequently Asked Questions
Find The answers to most asked questions about Life Coaching
Coaching FAQs
You start with a free Consult to decide if we’re a good fit for each other and discuss how Coaching will help you get results.
If we decide to work together, we’ll schedule your regular sessions. These sessions start with a Kick-Off Session to establish your goals, values as well as strength and weaknesses.
In our regular coaching sessions we will coach on any roadblocks to your goals, and anything else that has come up between sessions and celebrate all wins, large or small. I will hold you accountable for any 'tasks' you take on between sessions.
Although results vary depending on the agenda of individual clients, general outcomes include:
More confidence, sense of achievement and overall sense of "Can Do"
Reduction in emotional blocks and self-sabotaging behaviour
Greater self-awareness and clarity of purpose
Better time and task management, and organisational skills
More results-oriented planning and decision making
Enhanced motivation and productivity
Increased income
More balance between personal and professional endeavours
Improved interpersonal communication skills
Greater overall fulfilment
The honest answer is No. Here’s why:
Coaching with me is designed to make YOU more happy & successful and only you can guarantee that you will do what it takes to make that happen.
I guarantee you I will show up as the best coach for you to get results.
You’re the expert in your business and life, so the decision lies with you what you decide to do.
I will ask you questions, which in many cases, can be the ones that you have been avoiding!
It is often through the process of questioning and our joint discussion that ideas are generated and you will decide what really needs to be done to improve the situation.
For every idea, plan or challenge that may come up, you have the option to accept, decline or make a counteroffer.
Any tasks that you accept are for you to implement and experiment with. If I have specific insights or knowledge to share that might help you, or speed up the process, I will share them with you.
My coaching programme includes a set amount of coaching sessions that from my experience are needed to get results. After every set you have the option to renew or stop.
Working with me as your coach gives you the accountability, perspective-change and aha-moments needed to get results, on your initial goals and possibly on quite a few along the way too.
The best coach for you is the one where your gut is giving you a big nod of approval.
If the sign isn't clear, ask yourself questions like: Do I trust them? Do they understand me? Will they get me to where I desire to go to? Do I resonate with them?
The best way to find out if I’m the right coach for you is to schedule a Consult.
I am based in South Oxfordshire, UK, and happily meet my clients locally in person. Also, I coach most of my clients conveniently online using Google Meet/Zoom etc., I can serve clients from anywhere in the world.
You may not need a coach. It's entirely up to you!
The reason why high performers – from top athletes and successful business people to county presidents – have mentors, coaches and advisors is because they want to get results faster than they can by working it out by themselves.
The reason they work with coaches is to improve their thoughts, feelings and actions in order to get results. They also benefit from discovering their blindspots, change of perspectives and being surrounded by people who believe in their success.
Now is always the time to get into action, to change direction, to create the life you want tomorrow, next month, next year etc.
If you think working with a coach would be beneficial, do it.
“Carola, you were prepared to challenge me, whilst being curious, insightful and compassionate.”