Are you feeling stuck? Get ready for the metamorphosis!
We’ve all been there, in that place of stuck!
It’s murky there, dank and dark!
Sometimes it’s actually the place that feels safer than the ‘other’ place, whatever could or should come next.
We often feel stuck because we’re dreading the growth that is the vehicle to the other side.
What we really want to be, do or have is possible for us. We “just” need to wade through the fear and push through the discomfort of growth!
Caterpillar to Pupa to Butterfly
One of my kids’ teacher just sent us a video of the transformation of caterpillar via a pupa to butterfly, and it’s mesmerising to watch! You can literally see how hard the pupa is working to turn into a butterfly.
On the internet, you can read that during the pupa stage “the caterpillar’s old body dies and a new body forms inside a protective shell known as a chrysalis. This requires the old caterpillar body to be broken down and turned into something new.”
THAT is what happens to us too when we grow.
Actually, being stuck is our version of the pupa stage.
It’s painful and confusing for us! It feels uncomfortable, challenging and disorienting.
The discomfort comes from us experiencing the old us ‘dying’, growing into our new self and becoming familiar with this new “Me” we’re becoming.
And seeing it from outside – the bigger picture – it’s actually a beautiful. A metamorphosis like no other fr fom our old, familiar self to a new, unfamiliar self.
It’s magical!
We behave differently, we achieve bigger, better things and we will feel very much differently within ourself.
IF we allow it!
And it’s a BIG if!
It always feels safer NOT go through the metamorphosis. Because that’s familiar to us. That IS us. Currently.
And as humans, we can choose whether to transform or not.
We can choose go from feeling stuck to settling back into our old familiar self. And stay there.
But, really: is this actually an option?
We have the big dreams to grow into being, doing and having them. These big dreams are very persistent. They keep pestering us because they’re pointing out the beautiful treasure that’s awaiting us at the end of our personal rainbow.
And the only thing that’s stopping us is our own limiting beliefs and our pesky mind monkeys.
So, what do you choose?
Will you lean into the metamorphosis?
Will you allow yourself to grow?
Will you back yourself enough get the lift-off you need to kick start your transformation?
If you say yes to the above questions, ask yourself these:
What am I resisting?
What is there for me to lean into?
What do I know deep down is next for me?
I suggest you sit with these questions or journal on them, they’re worth exploring!
Whatever pops into your mind, that is your next big transformation. Especially if it makes your chest feel like it’s about to explode AND it’s utterly challenging at the same time.
You just connected to your higher wisdom, and glimpsed the beautiful possibilities that are within reach for you!
Over to you
Comment below to let us know what transformation you’re embarking on.
And if this resonates with a past metamorphosis of yours, please share what beautiful butterfly-like new you has emerged!
Would you prefer to be supported in your transformation?
Let’s set up an Introductory Call to see if we’re a good fit and I’m the right person to aid your metamorphosis.
Wishing you a wonderful day!
“I am here to help you Own Your Awesome!”
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