What Are Negative Thoughts?

What are negative thoughts? – with Life Coach for Ambitious Women Carola Moon @TheCarolaMoon

Negative thoughts are thoughts that create a sense of discomfort, anxiety, or unhappiness. These thoughts can be self-defeating, pessimistic, critical, or judgmental, and they often contribute to negative emotions such as sadness, anger, or fear.

At times I call these negative thoughts “wonky thoughts” or “thought errors”, it’s all the same.

Our mind needs our thoughts (positive or negative) to be true, so our human brains look for evidence to validate them. And in doing so, we end up producing results that support our negative thoughts.

So, essentially, our negative thoughts end up instrumental in creating the results we don’t want.

Negative thoughts can be related to past experiences, present situations, or future possibilities.

Examples of negative thoughts include:

  • "I'm not good enough."

  • "Nobody likes me."

  • "I always mess things up."

  • "I'll never be successful."

  • "I'm a failure."

  • "I can't do anything right."

  • "I'm not attractive/smart/talented enough."

  • "This is going to be a disaster."

  • "I'm never going to be happy."

Negative thoughts can have a powerful impact on your mental and emotional well-being. They can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression, and they can undermine your confidence and self-esteem. They often indicate ahead of time the unwelcome outcomes we end up creating.

Learning how to identify and challenge negative thoughts can be an important step in improving one's mental health and creating a more positive and fulfilling life.

I can help you with this. I invite you to a free, no-strings consult call with me.