Ready for a new way to create your Business Success? Try DayDream Journalling
A feel-good practice to dream-create
Have you been setting your goals for a bigger, brighter future? You may have wanted to create financial freedom, travel and adventure. And you have been focusing on making your business successful – because clearly, many of these things should be effortless once your business finally thrives. Therefore you’ve been wanting more clients, more reach and more effortless client acquisition etc.
You may have been wanting it so much that you made sure you wrote out your goals daily á la Rachel Hollis (I have huge respect for Rachel’s work!). You turned your fluffy dreams (“successful business”) into specific goals (“average £xxxx/month in the next quarter”). You may even have centred your goals around actions you can control (“reach out to 3 new potential clients daily“). And you’ve made yourself work hard, doing ‘all the things’.
Yet, amidst all this forward-looking, positive work, you may not have been able to see the results materialise – and have made yourself wrong for it.
Doing ‘all the things’ Leaves you Feeling frustrated
In short, you were doing ‘all the things’, yet it left you feeling frustrated and disheartened in the process. And that’s definitely NOT been part of your dream. Actually, you’ve always wanted your business and life to be fun, effortless and fulfilling.
Now, you may have come across Dr. Joe' Dispenza’s work (if not, watch some of his videos on Youtube here, or dive right in by reading “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself”) and may have felt inspired by Abraham Hicks (check out this playlist on Youtube).
They share how you can everything you want by feeling gratitude ahead of the physical manifestation of your dreams. So, with your business, you’d need to feel gratitude and contentment BEFORE your business success has come to fruition. (There is way more to their teachings, but for now, let’s stick with this main takeaway.)
Now, how do you do that? You can meditate daily, actively spend time daydreaming, apply Mel Robbins’ “Think this, not that” strategy etc.
THE most effective way I found is what I call “DayDream Journalling”.
In short, you spend 20 or so minutes to write your dreams out solidly for 3 pages*, or 750 words. [UPDATE: offers a free trial, but now asks for a monthly fee. If that deters you, try 130 Words which is entirely free and you can still aim for 750 words.]
*(Side note: The “3 pages” comes from Julia' Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way”, a beautiful book & programme to get your creative juices flowing again!)
The only other pointers for your DayDream Journalling are:
Write out your dreams as if they have already happened: “I have all the enquiries I need to fill my roster”, not “I will have…”
State everything in the positive (your mind doesn’t understand the negative): “I’m thriving“, and not “I don’t want to struggle.“
Emphasise the feeling of having/being/doing it – a lot!: “I feel empowered and excited filling up my roster with these amazing new clients.“
Why is DayDream Journalling so powerful?
DayDream Journalling gives you an opportunity to deep dive and fine-tune what will make your dream be amazing. It elevates your vibrations and energy to the one of having your dream already, which is a vital piece to quantum creation. And, if you’re anything like me, you make your mind hold still and in that space for just long enough to actually create some momentum of hope, excitement, inspiration and deep knowing that it is done.
“I am here to help you Own Your Awesome!”
What have you got to lose?
For 20 Minutes (or shorter/longer depending on your writing speed) you get to dream-create what you desire, and inspired to act on it.
If that’s all it does, good! But I dare you not to feel more excited, inspired, certain, loving and positive!
Try it, and share what it does for you in the comments below!👇🏻
Have a wonderful day,
If you feel inspired to, get in touch with me to see how we can work together.