Miracle Mornings Made Mine
Have you heard of, or maybe even tried, Hal Elrod's Miracle Morning? It's this concept of starting the day really early, as early as 5 am and doing these six what he calls SAVERS: Silence, Affirmations, Visualisation, Scribing, Reading and Exercise.
Now, I've dabbled with this concept and found it good, yet I've made a few tweaks to make it work for me.
On tweaks: I'm a firm believer that something done YOUR way is way better than not done at all.
So I'm sharing this to a) introduce you to the concept of deliberately designing your morning for a miraculous day, and b) to share my version of it, so that you get inspired to create your very own version.
What are the benefits?
Now, what possible benefits could this morning routine possibly bring? Let me just say that when I don't do my morning routine, I feel "unrund" (German for 'unround' = out of whack). I'm just not quite my happy, positive and confident self. And it only gets worse the more days I skip my routine.
More specifically, the benefits I enjoy are:
to get to fully feel into and exercise my body
to get my 'me-time' fill before the day eats up the rest
to reconnect with my vision and dream life
to re-affirm that I can be, do and have anything that I set my mind do
to train my monkey mind who's the boss (= the true me)
My Miracle Morning Routine
Gratitude (5 minutes)
I typically set my alarm to 5:50 am, and use the first five minutes of my alarm's snooze to feel gratitude: I deliberately feel grateful for anything and everything in my life: my immediate environment, the loved ones in my life, the opportunities at work etc. Typically I change my position so that I won't actually snooze through those five minutes. I find putting my knees up and leaning them against each other, or letting the knees flop open helps to keep me awake enough for this. Any position that's a little on the uncomfortable side is good.
Yoga or Pilates (~20 minutes)
Next, I find my yoga mat and do a 20-minute yoga or pilates sequence found on YouTube. I first practised mostly sessions by "Yoga with Adrienne" and still do at times, and when I feel more energised, I find a good video by SarahBethYoga (intermediate), Fightmaster Yoga and Boho Beautiful (intermediate to advanced). I love the process of finding a yoga session that resonates with me – sometimes I am dawn to a more chilled session with stretches, at other times I go for something more challenging and/or targetted.
Re-affirming my goals (5 minutes)
I regularly sit down to define my goals, wants and dreams. Writing these down daily helps to stay connected to them, see connections and pointers towards those goals. I strongly believe that this practice helps to feel inspired to create steps towards achieving those goals.
Meditation (~20 minutes)
I've tried several different meditations, and found the 1 Giant Mind app wonderful as an introductory tool to meditation, and also as a fab timer for simple meditations. The timer takes you into and out of your meditation within your chosen meditation time. However, I also mix it up with meditations by Dr Joe Dispenza and some that I find on YouTube – again, I follow my intuition and do what resonates with me. I know about myself that I stay more engaged and excited when I mix it up.
Ready for the day
That's typically when my time before the family gets up is done. And for me, this is the perfect routine (right now) to stay "in whack" (instead of out of it). If at all possible, I'll squeeze another 20 minutes of DayDream Journalling into the day as I am finding that such an amazing tool to supercharge my confidence, positivity and trust that I'm on my right path.
Over to you...
What's your morning routine that works miracles for you? Let me know in the comments below! _______
Wishing you a wonderful day,
“I am here to help you Own Your Awesome!”
Got questions? Get in touch!
And if you feel inspired to, get in touch with me to see how we can work together.