Have you been tackling your goals all wrong?
I don't know about you, but when I want something, my thoughts often go to: "Let's knuckle down, what actions do I need to take?". Especially when it’s a big goal, and I want it bad!
Let's say we want to recreate our 20-year old, fit & slim body right after the indulgences of Christmas, and we’re going from nought to a hundred applying all the ways we can cut calories and increase fat burning.
Or we want to double the number of clients we serve and coming up with a never-ending list of perceived must-do actions to create the kind of influx that will surely lead to the new, bigger client roster.
The hard way
Tackling our goals this way, what's the number one tool we use and rely on? Willpower!
We use it to 'make' ourselves do the actions, many of which we don't enjoy... at all! (Hands up who actually likes cold calling?).
We're coming at it with brute force, pinched lips and white-knuckled fingers. We make ourselves believe that it's the only way to achieve our goals. And then we run out of steam!
Is there another way?
Now, what if that's just a bad habit we got ourselves into, and that there's a much easier way, one paved with fun & frolics, that can get us there – and much faster too!?
What if it's just a mindset, a belief, that's got us into that willpower-driven loop of hard work? What if we’re simply trapped by thoughts like "Business/Making Money/Life/Losing weight is hard!" and its companions ("I'm not good enough", "Who am I to want that?", I could go on...)?
Let me ask you: when you think "Losing weight is hard!", what actions would you choose to achieve your goals? Probably ones that make you pay too much money, spend lots of time and make yourself sweat – all while re-confirming "Wow, this really is HARD!"
Let's pivot our thinking
Mel Robbins has shared this fantastic tool called "Think THIS, not that!".
So, instead of thinking "Losing weight is hard!", what can we think instead? How about: "I enjoy eating delicious, healthy food which nourishes my body, I lose weight effortlessly, the pounds are simply falling off my body and I enjoy getting my body moving doing activities I love!" Even just writing this makes me smile!
It personally inspires me to plan a nice sticky soy and honey roasted salmon with asparagus and sugar snap peas (thank you Muddy Stilettos!) and feel motivated to boogie to "You're Welcome" by Dwayne Johnson (it speaks to the child in me that can’t help but dance through life)!
The pounds will just drop AND we'll have fun along the way!
Now, what about "Business/Making money is hard!"? A pivoted, much more positive thought is: "I learn new business practices every day, I enjoy experimenting with different marketing and sales strategies to double my client list, my ideal clients are magnetically drawn to me and I love serving more and more wonderful clients every day!"
Thinking in this way is such a heartfelt invitation to go about joyful activities, like networking, attending courses, reconnecting with past clients – anything and everything that you get a kick out of and that will give you a healthy challenge for your personal growth.
How and why does this work?
We can only entertain one thought at the time. That's it! Even when your brain rattles with what feels like a thousand simultaneous thoughts, you're flitting from one thought to the another and back in quick succession. By directing your thoughts to a more positive take on what is, and what is possible, you're re-wiring your brain*. With time, you will automatically think about the exciting ways to frolic your way to bringing your goals to life.
Also, your brain or ego likes to be right. So by thinking “Business/Losing weight is hard”, you’ll find evidence for this! The same is true if you think: “I have fun losing weight/running a successful business” – you’ll definitely find the fun while going about it.
*For more info on how to rewire your brain, check out Dr Joe Dispenza on Youtube, his website and devour his amazing books!
Over to you
How have you been making it hard for yourself to achieve your goals?
What thoughts have you been thinking that made it hard?
How can you pivot this thought to a much more empowering one?
Share with us in the comments what resonated with you, and what thoughts are you pivoting. 👇
Wishing you an awesome day,
“I am here to help you Own Your Awesome!”
Got questions? Get in touch!
And if you feel inspired to, connect to see how we can work together.